Onsite Training
Close-Quarters Control Tactics
Most confrontations that the average person gets into will involve close quarters, possibly with weapons. At Paladin Tactics & Consulting, we have the knowledge and experience to help you subdue an attacker and escape or ensure they're controlled until authorities arrive. For law enforcement and security personnel, we will end each technique with control of a subject.
Our Close-Quarters Control Tactics course focuses on defense of yourself and others in confined spaces. These tactics focus on joint manipulation and controlling the balance of the aggressor or suspect. Most will end in a control posture on the ground. During the course, you'll learn proven, court-defensible options for protecting yourself and others. This course was designed for those in law enforcement, corrections, security, and military.
Active Shooter Training & Workplace Security
It is an unfortunate truth that active shooter situations are becoming more common these days. At Paladin Tactics & Consulting, we strongly believe that active shooter training should be an ongoing part of any workplace security program. We will provide the resources you need to be ready in the unfortunate case your workplace is attacked. This course is designed to prepare the students to survive an active shooter in a business or workplace environment. We'll ensure that you are educated on shooter trends, how to prepare for potential scenarios, and conduct drills on-site, in your office or workplace.

Survival Mindset ©
Readiness is important, no matter who you are or what you do. Count on us to ensure that you are mentally and physically prepared for lifesaving action. Protection begins with the proper mindset. We will discuss simple actions to take to help prepare yourself and have a survival mindset.

Personal Defense
Learn how to escape attackers from standing positions and on the ground. Strikes and kicks will also be included. This course is taught in 1-hour blocks that can be segmented or can be combined.
Winning Before the Fight ©
Individuals, professionals, and law enforcement alike should always be ready to protect themselves and those they love. There's no telling when an assailant could interrupt your day, and it's impossible to protect yourself if you don't know how and you do not have the right mindset. To that end, Paladin Tactics & Consulting offers Winning Before the Fight© so you are both physically capable of defending what is important to you, as well as knowledgeable on how to physically prepare. This course will serve you and your family by teaching you ways to stay fit, stay connected and stay prepared. This is also an excellent way to bring you and your family or friends together while training for constant vigilance. Personal defense is included upon request.